My Routine, My Life

Just another weblog

Miss her March 31, 2009

Filed under: |baby|,|trip|,|village| — hafizd @ 2:57 pm

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to all visitor and silent reader of my lovely blog. I am making friend with new people since I started blogging. Once again, thanks for all visitors and enjoy viewing my blog ya~ Don’t forget the previous entry to look at. Dig, dig and continue digging.. hehe

Back to main title of this entry – Miss her soo much~. Well, she is not my girlfriend coz I am still single and available. Ngeh ngeh… I am quite disappointed coz last week when I was at home, I didn’t play with her. Yerp, I was busy preparing thing to attend my twin’s convocation ceremony at UUM plus the weather not very fine since it’s raining in the evening. So, I cannot visit my aunty thus missing Syahira at the same time.

She is pretty cool and friendly with most of her cousin. Tak MERAGAM! Best betol kalo maen2 ngn die. Betol la kata sorng penceramah, “Bila bermain2 dengan baby, hati akan tenang” It’s TRUE~ Btw, keyword seperti Baby, Babies, Lovely Baby, Cute Baby, and Nice Baby will be captured by Google lah lepas neh.

Sapa suka baby sila angkat kening 3 kali ~ !!



syahira  syahira



Bersua di Labuan March 30, 2009

Filed under: |trip| — hafizd @ 6:32 am

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

Semalam buat pertama kali bermalam di KLiA. Syok, best dan tak selesa bercampur baur. Cuak pon ade sebab tersangat la leteh coz pagi Ahad dah bangun awal nk g UUM, majlis convo my twin then tak tidor2 sampai la 1am pagi tadi.

Naseb baek jumpa kawan yang tunggu flight die pagi ni ke Sabah gak. So ade teman berbual2. Aku tertido dalam kol2 & terjaga sekali sekali sambil melirik2 beg DSLR n Lappy. Takoott wooo.. Alhamdulillah. Ok sumernye sampai la ke saat check-in pagi tadi dan selamat sampi ke Labuan ketika ini.

Sebab tido kat KLiA? Flight dari Penang-LCCT dah lewat malam, then flight KLia-Labuan plak kol 9am. Nak balik Wangsamaju tgh2 malam? Tak dapat ler… So bermalam la di KliA for the first time in history. Maybe next time akan menyusul lagik. Ahaks


Happy Birthday Abah! March 28, 2009

Filed under: |birthday| — hafizd @ 2:59 pm
Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

Mentang2 la dok kt umah skrng neh, so tak sms pon kat Abah wish Happy Birthday. Lagipon hari nih masing2 keje so macam kelam kabut sket. Btw, anak lelaki selalunya rapat ngn ibu compare to father kan? Tapi kasih sayang tetap sama.

Bersemperna ngn Earth Hour bley la wish kat Abah gak. Fyi, sekarang kami sekeluarga berada di Pekan Jitra, Homestay (sponsored by me) Ngeh ngeh. Sok nak g majlis convo my twin kt UUM.

Allah selamat kan Abah,
Allah selamat kan Abah,
Allah selamat kan Abah,

Semoga kehidupan kita sekeluarga diberkati ilahi & aman bahagia. Amin.

my family

-dari anak2 & mama-

p/s: Gambo bersama cousin2 tak sempat edit.Internet kt sni slow sket kalo nk upload.. Jitra ooo jitra~


Rintik-rintik HUJAN March 27, 2009

Filed under: |anniversary|,|memory|,|rain|,|song| — hafizd @ 7:52 am

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

Hujan rintik- rintik,
Air bergelora,
Emak kasi dua posen,
Adik pergi sekolah,
Enam kali enam, (2X)
Tiga puluh enam,
Sayang mama,
Sayang papa,
Selamat Malam.

Penah dengar lagu mase kecik2? Sebab ujan tengah turun sekarng, so teringatlah lagu ini. Selamat Hari Jumaat. Sok pakat ramai2 tutop lampu. Earth hour katanye~


Brother’s Corner March 25, 2009

Filed under: |food|,|training|,|tv| — hafizd @ 4:00 pm

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

Hari ni cuaca cerah dan langit kelihatan berawan bak kepul2 kekabu. Petang plak hujan renyai2. Takde effect pon kt aku sebab aku tak de outdoor activity. Kelas plak seperti biasa, tapi getting lost sebab very deep and a lil bit complicated. But, seems ok to everybody since our instructor really helpful. Thanks to Alex!

Lepas tengok citer Spa-Q yang meletop-letop itu, sadis pon ade. Haiiiyoooo! Tak kuar bilik sebab melekat-melekit2 tengok citer tuh. SEPAKU betul la. Mula2 time tengok dolu2 rasa macam menyahsampah menyampah la plak. Dafi yang lembik ikot cakap bini, Melissa yang lurus dan Marlia yang vogue tuh. Lagik satu, Datin Sofiera yang nama sebenar Leha! Ini Leha mak..anak mak~!!! hahabrothers-corner

Malam nih dinner kat Brother’s Corner kt sebelah PERMATA neh jek. Lawa je tengok kedai makan nih. As usual, aku mmg skip nasik pada waktu malam seboleynya la.. so aku order Koeyteow Kung-fu. Boley tahan la. In short – tak sedap! Pastu order la Tauhu Bakar kat gerai kecik sebelah tuh. Yang nih sedap! hehe

Sok last day training.. Kene revise everything before balik nih.. Kalo tak rugi~



Jalan-jalan di Alamanda March 24, 2009

Filed under: |birthday|,|food|,|training|,|trip| — hafizd @ 4:10 pm
Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

Masuk hari ketiga di PERMATA. Hari berlalu sangat cepat ditambah plak kesejukan tahap gaban sebab hujan turun tak henti2 since aku bangun tido sampi la lunch hour td. Itu tak menjadi halangan lagik sebab aku dah beli jacket baru kat Alamanda tadi. Ngeh ngeh..

Dah lama aku ngidam nak beli jacket untuk dipakai bila travel, balik kampung segala. Maka tercapailah hajat yang satu neh. Tak sempat nak upload la gambo. Next time maybe.

Dinner hari nih kat foodcourt – Rasa bersama Said VCM. Nasi putih separuh, Sambal Udang Petai, Brokoli Hijau Goreng and Kentang Rebus Blackpepper. Sedaappp.. Alhamdulillah. Usai makan ber’exercise’ sambil shopping2 dalam Alamanda. Otw balik ke PERMATA, sesat la plak dalam hutan batu Putrajaya neh..demmss

P/s: Happy birthday to Najib a.k.a Kachak~


Super duper HOT! March 23, 2009

Filed under: |birthday|,|food|,|training| — hafizd @ 3:34 pm

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

Tu dia tajuk tak bley blah~ Haha..Sehari berlalu kat PERMATA neh. Best gak approach yang digunakan oleh instructor Problem Solving si Alex dari Kepner-Tregoe neh. Ramai participant dari OPU laen2. Mitco, GPP, PMO, SKO and etc… Totally new friends and most of them are 2-3 year older than me and this mean I am the youngest + hensem + less experience~ huhu

Tadi dinner kat depan Permata jek – Koey Teow Bandung kat Brother Corner. Memang super duper HOT! Yang nih baru la tajuk entry sebenar. Sila amati gambo kat bawah.

Super duper HOt

Bau dia saja memang dah pedas + baru kuar dari kitchen panas2. Hmm Rasa macam berkilo-kilogram belacan tukang masak tuh gune. Udang kering yang di’blender’ pon macam ada gak. Pekat giler kuah die. Yang kurang best, agak manis. Lapar punya pasal, dimulai dengan kalimah Bismillah, terus makan. Kenyang~ Burrppp. Alhamdulillah.

P/s: Happy belated birthday to Cik Selamat – our inspector Mech Piping.


Bored journey March 22, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — hafizd @ 10:46 am
Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

Selamat sampi ke rumah kol10.30pm semalam. Agak lemah menapak keluar dari ERL sebab tengah bayangkan kebuhsan berada dirumah. There is nobody home. Lebey memenatkan lagik, dalam flight ade mamat sorang neh duduk seat aku. Aku punya window seat, dia dok tengah2 tapi tak reti nk duduk tmpat sendirik. Dah la badan besar gabak, sampi masuk territory aku. Pastu, kaki dok goyang2 tak henti2. Demm! Tersiksa aku 2 jam 20 minit dalam flight semalam.

Haihh.. Semua housemate got attachment outside KL. Masing-masing dengan kerjaya tersendiri. Agak2 bila la kami semua nk kuar hangout ramai2. The time will come, but don’t know when. Satu lagik dalam ERL, ada mamat kerek sorang neh tak abes2 ngn phone call. Naik menyampah. Macam la dia sorang ade hp~ buduss

Semasa menunggu bagasi di KLiA, telefon aku berdering. Phone call from KURiK!!! My housemate in KL. He is at home asking me what time to arrive. Lupa plak die ade di KL sebab balik bercuti. Bersemangat kembali untuk balik sebab ade geng kt rumah 3 tingkat itu. Lepas lepak + minum ngn si Yon kt KL Sentral, trus amik taxi balik umah. Taxi plak bawak macam harraam~ haih

Lastly ade gak sweet memory. Makan malam kol doblas kat Old Town. Haha. Kat Labuan takdo kopitiam neh. Kol130 baru balik. Kuar ngn Kurik lah. Pagi2 buta lagi die dah blah g epot sebab flight ke Labuan kol730am. Alone kembali…

Malam neh, aku g PERMATA, training 4 hari kat sana. Harap2 dapat kawan2 baru yang boley ceriakan hidup aku ini. Tadaaa~


Nearly end March 20, 2009

Filed under: |birthday|,|memory|,|trip|,|work| — hafizd @ 3:48 pm

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!

After staying here in Labuan for about 3 months doing my job, now it’s going to end soon. When? Hmm..Maybe end of April or maybe not. Depend on the progress from contractor.

Here, I learn a lot from people around me – Sayuthy, Cik Selamat, Ilyana, Shamani, Faizul, Cik Alias and many more. There are very kind and ‘gila-gila’. After this, we won’t be staying in Labuan anymore after all items sent to offshore and this doesn’t mean the project is ended.

Still we have to go offshore to monitor offshore installation work and we’ll meet again over there. Hopefully after this we’ll keep in touch and probably going holiday together like before…

D80-Yard Visit 177

P/s: Happy birthday to Ezmal esok~


Missing Hometown March 19, 2009

Filed under: |birthday|,|hang out|,|training| — hafizd @ 11:02 pm

Bismillahirahmanirrahim and a very good day fellow readers!


D80- Sungai Petani Town 

Homesick already after nearly 1 month left my family since last time went home. Picture above taken during night-outing session with Boo-lah around Sungai Petani Town. We walked to the middle of the main road and using tripod to capture the night scene. Among 30+ pictures taken, only few of it really in a good frame. Ngeh ngeh…

Tomorrow, I’ll be back to KL again to attend training. Last time during having nothing to do at KLCC, I’ve fill up the training form which tentatively turn out during my attachment at Labuan. What to do, just f0llow the scheduled training…

P/s: Happy Birthday to my adopted Mother in Kampung Dura!